CAYA Worship Team

Rehearsal: Wednesday nights at 5:45 p.m.

The CAYA (“Come As You Are”) Worship Team consists of both instruments and singers.

Although we always pursue excellence, we are a relaxed and welcoming group of musicians.  In weekly rehearsals we pray and sing together, strengthening bonds of friendship and support as we work on music for each Sunday.  We hope that the songs we play each week speak to the hearts of anyone who comes to our service.

The musicians play as a band which is currently comprised of keyboard, rhythm guitar, bass and drums.  We rehearse weekly for two hours on Wednesday evenings.  The first hour is band only and the second is with the singers.  Our singers are all ages. They rehearse for one hour every week on Wednesday evening. Sunday morning commitment is 8:50 – 10:00 am.

We use main-stream contemporary Christian songs as well as songs and hymns from the United Methodist Hymnal, The Faith We Sing Hymnal and the Songs for Praise and Worship Hymnal for the weekly services.  We occasionally play praise concerts and/or fundraisers. When playing in venues outside of our home church we are known as “Stained Glass”. 

Contact Director Len Bobinski for more information.