Jesus, A Gospel by Henri Nouwen   

Facilitated by Pastor Gene and Susan Samuel

Beloved spiritual writer Henri Nouwen is our guide in this unique retelling of the gospel story. Seamlessly woven from his many writings and beautifully illustrated with Rembrandt drawings, Jesus, a Gospel juxtaposes gospel texts with Nouwen's own reflections on the life of Jesus. As Michael O’Loughlin notes in his introduction, "What the early church called 'the good news' was often communicated by one person reaching out to another. . . This is what Henri Nouwen did. He was a teacher, a man sent from God, and his ministry was to show people what God is doing in the world and how we might respond." In this book, in the company of a modern spiritual master, we are invited to rediscover the gospel story with new eyes.

Mondays 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in the Annex
1/8/24 - 2/12/24