NEW! LGBTQ+ Sessions -
with Various Facilitators

Mondays 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
3 Sessions: 10/16, 10/23, 10/30
In the Annex

Attend one or all

LGBTQ+ issues can be difficult to discuss for some, but continuing our education about these issues will increase our capacity to welcome everyone to our church. We have designed these sessions with varying degrees of information. 

Diversity in general: My Shadow is Purple by Scott Stuart facilitated by Deacon Deb, Oct 16

LGBTQ+ and religion: A Place Called Gay episode of Queer Eye facilitated by Pastor Gene, Oct 23 

The story is about Tammye, who lives in the town of Gay, Georgia, where she talks about asking her son for forgiveness for not loving him unconditionally after he came out. She went to each of the Fab Five and told them about their gifts and how they share them with the world. Speaking in church, Tammye told the congregation what blessings she’s received from a group of gay men, but especially the blessings she’s gotten from her gay son.

Being an LGBTQ+ Parent & Ally:
Facilitated by Jeff & Jenny Euting, Oct 30

Jeff and Jenny will present a Ted Talk by Susan Cottrell and follow that by sharing their experiences and answering your questions.