2024 Stewardship

As we transition from Thanksgiving to thinking about the beginning of Advent and the Christmas holiday, we are continuing our stewardship campaign, “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Following up on some feedback we received during the campaign, we are presenting numbers to show where we are currently against where we were before the pandemic.

As of Tuesday, November 28, 2023, we have 94 households that have pledged a total dollar amount of $246,796.00. Our target goal is to have 150 households pledging with a total dollar amount of $400,000.00. Right now, we are at 63% of our households and 62% of our dollar amount, which gives us a target dollar amount of $153,204.00. In the chart and table below, the amounts pledged are broken down into ranges to help visualize where we are for 2024 against pre-pandemic amounts.

Again, as of Tuesday, the average dollar amount pledged in 2024 is $2,625.49 versus $2,531.21 pre-pandemic in 2018. Our current median pledge is $1,820.00, and the corresponding median from 2018 is $1,725.00. Finally, the mode (most popular pledged amount) is $1,200 versus $1,000 in 2018. All these statistics are trending in a positive direction, which is excellent news, however, we’re going, perhaps a little slower than expected to where we need to be going.

What we need now is more participation so please consider, prayerfully, using the online pledge form here or one of the green cards available at the church. Whether you can increase your pledge, are pledging for the first time, staying at the same level, or even if you cannot pledge this year, we would love to hear from you, and we are thankful you are here with us on this journey.

Greg Freidline
Stewardship Chair


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