It’s Time to Get Ready for Fall Adult Spiritual Growth (ASG)

The summer is nearly over, the kids will be going back to school, now it is time for the adults to begin thinking about our own spiritual growth. There is no better place to do this than here at Simsbury United Methodist Church (SUM). Every fall and spring we offer a wide selection of opportunities for you to join one or more (if you are like me) small group sessions to feed your soul, embrace your spiritual journey and spend some time with friends, old and new.

I began my spiritual journey at SUM during Covid when I asked if I could, as a non-member, participate in a Lenten Study being offered via Zoom. Searching for a new church during a pandemic is not ideal; however, that Lenten Study in 2021 opened my heart to the magic that is SUM, and the rest is history. I am now a member of the Communications team and Friendly Visitor program, and you have likely read some of my many articles in The Messenger.

I recently took on the role of guiding the Adult Spiritual Growth (ASG) opportunities offered at SUM. Working closely with Deacon Deb and Pastor Gene, we have selected a wide variety of choices for your spiritual journey. I hope you will consider the classes and attend one or more of the interesting and educational offerings.

Sunday morning worship and general congregational activities play an essential role in our lives, but on their own, they are not adequate substitutes for the relationships formed in small groups where we pray, study Scripture, question, be in fellowship, and thrive in a comfortable environment as we find Christ in one another and form relationships of love and trust. We are all on a spiritual journey, so why not travel together?

Please review the easy-to-read grid briefly describing each offering, including dates and times. Want to know more? Click here for details and to register. Questions? Don’t hesitate to email me.

- Eileen M Brogan


SUM Food & Fellowship


The Gift of Grace