Church School Update - Fall 2023

The summer is coming to an end, and it’s been a busy one for church school!

We hosted our first Vacation Bible School as directors of children’s ministries and it was a success. Thank you to all who volunteered and made the week possible. The kids had a blast! Now with one under our belt, we feel confident moving forward to make next year even better. 

Once VBS was over, we focused on finishing the two rooms in the Annex for Sunday school. They are freshly painted with cheery yellow walls and one chalkboard wall for the little ones to have fun with. Finishing touches are needed on our office over there, and the move will be complete.

We are very excited to kick off the fall in the new rooms! Volunteers are always needed, so if you would like to come and share some fellowship with the great group of kids we have here at SUM, please let us know. Email us to volunteer, or simply drop us a line.

-        Julie Cutler & Elizabeth Webber


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