In Case You Missed It - The Gift of Being Present

Many of you commented on the lovely Advent and Christmas services offered this year. We have a beautiful sanctuary, talented musicians, and a passionate worship team. Can I have an “Amen?” Our focus has been on mindfulness – being with each other – just as God came to be with us – Emmanuel – God with us. We asked ourselves three questions each Sunday during prayer time. Here they are for you to use more often if you choose. Enjoy.

Right here and right now, we open our senses to see and perceive the gifts we’ve been given, to know and believe that what we must do is open our hearts to let all gifts flow through. In our time of prayers during this Advent and Christmas season, we have been taking the opportunity to practice being fully present in the moment. Mindfulness has deep roots in our Judeo-Christian tradition. The scriptures say, “Be still and know that I am God.” Prayer is an intentional way to sink deeply into the sense of the presence of God among us.

I want to invite you into a quiet reflection on three questions, each followed by a short silence. Focusing intentionally on thoughts and memories can be a kind of prayer, bringing our lives into a conversation with the Holy. Take a deep breath and be in the spirit of prayer.

The first question is this: Who has been a gift of presence in your life? Whose presence feels like a holy gift for you? Take a moment to see their face or faces emerge in your mind’s eye like opening a gift. It may be a memory of someone or a present reality.


The second question is this: In what ways do you try to offer yourself as a gift of presence? What does it feel like to extend your attentiveness and availability beyond yourself? What difference does it make to someone else for you to be truly present to them?


The third question is this: Is it possible that God’s presence is felt more acutely in these moments when we truly tend to one another? As if you are doing last-minute shopping for just the right gift, can you imagine right now how you can, in the future, be a Gift of Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, and Light — letting these gifts flow through you to someone else? It may be as simple as finding opportunities to speak an encouraging word. Or as complex as actually lifting up someone’s circumstances through volunteering or donating.


Right here and right now, we open our senses to see and perceive the gifts we’ve been given, to know and believe that what we must do is open our hearts to let all gifts flow through.

In this prayerful, present moment, we ask you, Christ Jesus, the Greatest Gift of All, to help us savor this moment of celebration of Christmas. Help us recognize and create moments of sweet presence rather than filling the voids with the things that do not last. Help us to stop, notice what we are experiencing, and accept it with open hearts and minds. In doing this, we allow you to meet us right here, right now, right where we are.


Source: Worship Design Studios, Marcia McFee


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