Rally Day 2023!

Rally Day at SUM is almost always the Sunday after Labor Day. It’s when we return to our three-service Sundays and kick off the new church year! In the recent past, we’ve asked groups and committees to set up displays in Wesley Hall (and sometimes the front lawn) to showcase all the great things happening at our church. It’s an opportunity to learn about other opportunities and ways to get involved and get to know more members of our church family.

Last year we mixed it up a little and had an amazing pork barbeque (courtesy of Chef Tim Boswell, Matthew Jamieson, and Pastor Gene’s special sauces) along with vegan and vegetarian sides. And we had live music, tables, and quilts on display on the front lawn. It was really fun and a wonderful opportunity to socialize. However, the weather was chilly and threatening to rain, so even though it held off long enough for us to enjoy lunch, we realized we didn’t have a good backup plan. So, I asked Susan Samuel to help me this year, and we’re building on last year with a different twist!

Instead of the “science fair” feel with display tables, come join us for the same amazing BBQ and vegetarian-friendly sides served in Wesley Hall with tables to sit and eat. And while we’re enjoying the food, learn about all the amazing things being offered at SUM with live infomercials on the stage. We’ll also have our esteemed Sue Lemke as our emcee. And there will be plenty of time to enjoy the fellowship of our church family. If it doesn’t rain and we end up spilling outside after the meal, that’s totally fine, but if the weather doesn’t cooperate, we have a dry place to gather and good food to eat.

If you attend the 8:00 or 9:00 service, we hope you’ll consider coming back to join us at 11:30. We love to have everyone mingle together. And if you can’t come back, please pick up a flyer with all the pertinent contact information for programs and activities kicking off in September. We do ask for a free-will offering to help defray the cost of the food items ($10 per person/$20 per family suggested donation).

Please sign up here for the BBQ.


- Jen Acheson & Susan Samuel


Friendly Visitors Program


Holiday Joy Funds Distributed