Advent is Upon Us…Rejoice, Rejoice the Lord is Near!

Yes, before we give thanks for our abundant lives (and eating too much doing so), we must prepare for our next big gift – the birth of Jesus. This year the Adult Spiritual Growth ministry is offering several options, some with a focus on Advent and some not. Pick the time and subject that will prepare you for the Christmas season. All are welcome, and no worries if you missed a couple of classes. 

Monday night Zoom or Tuesday morning classes facilitated by Eileen Brogan (4 weeks) beginning Nov 25th & 26th

The Journey by Adam Hamilton follows Adam Hamilton as he travels from Nazareth to Bethlehem in a fascinating look at the birth of Jesus Christ. Using historical information, archaeological data, and a personal look at some of the stories surrounding the birth, we will join Hamilton as he walks along this road, sharing this amazing moment. Both classes will use streaming video and a short book (160 p).

Discussion with Deacon Deb – no reading required (3 weeks) beginning Dec 4th

Deacon Deb has selected Kate Bowler’s The Weary World Rejoices – from the Everything Happens series for this Advent. This study will look at the promise of truth, compassion, restoration, and justice, which will serve as the guiding themes that Bowler claims are “pulling us toward a future that we can only glimpse. But it is a future that will turn everything upside-down (or maybe right-side up). Everything wrong will be made right; everything bad will be made good; everything empty and devoid of love will be filled.” 

Already in progress: Monday Discipleship facilitated by Susan Samuel & Tami LePage

Monday Discipleship is reading Traveling Light: Galatians and the Free Life in Christ by Eugene Peterson, in which he urges us to listen to an expert on freedom, Paul, whose letter to the Galatians reminds us of the realities of life in Christ, freely given to all. With an open path forward, Peterson calls us to embrace change, exploration, trust, love, and much more. 

Already in progress: Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study facilitated by Donna Motyl

This group has begun to discuss the Book of Philippians with the help of a book study, Philippians: Joy Under Pressure, which should take about 4-6 weeks. They are also looking at Advent studies of Scriptures used to create the Messiah by Handel using the book Every Valley: Advent with the Scriptures of Handel's Messiah as well as reading Adam Hamilton's book, Faithful: Christmas through the Eyes of Joseph. Stay tuned for updates. 

Eileen Brogan


WWI Veterans from SUM


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