Youth Confirmation Wrap-up - May 19, 2024

Every other year, SUM offers a confirmation experience to our Youth. This September, a dedicated group of six participants, guided by three mentors, Pastor Gene, and Deacon Deb, embarked on their confirmation journey with unwavering dedication. Last Sunday, May 19, 2024, we joyously celebrated the culmination of their commitment, confirming six young adults into their faith and our church.

The confirmation program incorporated five Sundays of in-person learning, during which confirmands engaged with topics ranging from the Bible to Methodism and worship. Adult mentors were pillars of support and guidance throughout this journey. Before each session, participants delved into independent study through video lessons and discussions with their mentors. The in-person sessions were marked with interactive quiz activities reinforcing their learning, followed by discussions led by Pastor Gene and Deacon Deb. Together, we built relationships, shared meals, and fostered fellowship. Each session closed with prayer, sending the youth to continue their exploration independently.

Confirmation is a sacred rite in which individuals affirm their faith and publicly declare their commitment to follow Jesus Christ. During the liturgy, confirmands were given the opportunity to reaffirm the vows of baptism made on their behalf, expressing their faith and pledging to live as devoted members of the church. This milestone also marks their official welcome into full membership of the United Methodist Church, empowering them to engage fully in church life, from voting in congregational meetings to serving in ministries.

I heard that friends and family shed a few tears as confirmands shared heartfelt reflections on their journey. Their statements echoed inspiration, insight, and gratitude toward their mentors. When you encounter the confirmands, extend your congratulations to them.

Confirmation candidates: Colin Cunningham, Jacob Keleher, Maleita Lemke, Nolan Mueller, Asher Scarlato, and Dominic Vega.

Mentors: Tim Boswell, Leslie Lahue, and Sue Lemke

Watch the YouTube recording of the confirmation liturgy here starting at timestamp 10:05.



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