Digital Evangelism

Spreading the message of God's love happens when individuals connect with the SUM family. It is magical—almost like the Holy Spirit is involved (smile). Most new members discover us through our website. They are drawn in by engaging content and appealing graphics. Many of these visitors eventually become active participants in our church community. I’ve dubbed this phenomenon “Digital Evangelism.”

Engaging in digital evangelism can be as simple as sharing our church communications. Your participation, no matter how small, can significantly impact more individuals with the message of God's love.

Here are seven ideas to get you started:

1.    Add the church URL ( to your email signature.
2.    Share the website with friends via email to pique their interest in our church.
3.    Forward the Messenger newsletter to friends, especially if there is an article you think they would enjoy.
4.    Encourage others to subscribe to our weekly Messenger for inspiring content.
5.    Add SUM's Instagram posts to your story to reach a broader audience and direct them to our website.
6.    Share SUM's Facebook posts on your feed to reach a broader audience and direct them to our website.
7.    Distribute SUM's social media posts within your groups, promoting upcoming sermons, worship experiences, events, and social justice initiatives.

Become a Digital Evangelist! Your active involvement in spreading the message will expand our reach and share the love of God with more people.

-Deacon Deb


Etch Your Spirit on Your Soul


Church Family