Thank You, Julie Cutler!

There are a number of popular songs that go through my head as I reflect on those who contribute so much to our church. As with many Christian communities, SUM relies on the significant contributions made by its lay leaders.

Julie Cutler is one of those people who has contributed in that way as a member of the SUM staff over the past two years. During that time, she has co-led our ministry and mission for children and families. SUM offers Sunday School for younger children throughout the year, Vacation Bible School during the summer and our clergy provides a children’s message each week. If anyone needs to understand the power of this ministry, you only need to watch and listen to these moments and messages during the ‘Children’s Time’ at our Sunday Services. As a continuation of this, the children are invited to continue their Christian experience in Sunday School.

In 2022 two women of the SUM community stepped forward to assume leadership for the children’s ministry at SUM, to ensure continuation of these programs following the departure of the previous leader. Julie Cutler and Elizabeth Webber share that role and have provided programs, adopted a curriculum, and co-led Vacation Bible School, which has developed into a vibrant, experiential program.

On June 25th, Julie wrote to me to deliver the message that, after serious discernment, her professional, family, and personal commitments require her to step back from her formal staff position at SUM. In her letter, Julie said, “This decision was not reached lightly, as I have genuinely enjoyed my time working here, have learned a great deal, and enjoyed helping enrich the Children’s Church School and VBS experiences.” She went on to express, “I will miss being part of such a dedicated team at SUM.”

While this news is disappointing, we can all be thankful for Julie’s leadership and impact on the children and families of the SUM community. I have witnessed firsthand her efforts to ensure resources for the children’s programs, volunteering her time to serve and care for those children and participating in the Vacation Bible School programs where she led an energetic and educational program that has evolved into a full-day program. She has been part of leading the transformation of Sunday School, taking the program to new levels.

Julie said, “Over the past two years, I have had the privilege of collaborating with talented colleagues and contributing to Church School, VBS, and Christmas programs. These experiences have been invaluable to me both personally and professionally, and I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given.” 

While we will miss her leadership and contributions, we will continue to see and work with Julie, helping with the youth and children at SUM. We have been blessed with Julie’s presence during a time when so many people have not been able to participate and support this important ministry at SUM.

To use the words of Joni Mitchell, “…you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.” We thank you, Julie, for your gifts, talents, and impacts at SUM!

John C. Thomson
Chair, SPR Committee


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