In Case You Missed It: Deacon Deb’s Sermon on Jan. 26 - “Walt, Mickey, Jesus, and Me”

When Jesus began His ministry, He announced in Luke 4:18-19 that He came to bring good news, freedom, and healing. This wasn’t just about individual lives; it was about the Kingdom of God entering our world, where everyone has a purpose and every role counts.

Consider Disneyland, often called “The Happiest Place on Earth.” Its magic isn’t just in rides and parades; it’s in the people. From welcoming Cast Members to creative Imagineers, each person plays a vital role in creating joy. Similarly, God’s Kingdom thrives through our unique contributions—in church and daily.

In 1 Corinthians 12:12, Paul describes how every part of the body of Christ is essential. Whether you’re a caregiver, a leader, or a builder, your role matters. Just as Disneyland offers diverse experiences to appeal to different guests, our variety of gifts enriches the world.

The Spirit empowers us to bring God’s Kingdom to life. Whether it’s teachers inspiring students or friends lending an ear, we each reflect God’s mission of love and healing in unique ways. Remember, no role is too small—each contribution, like the smallest details at Disneyland, plays a significant part in the bigger picture.

God’s Kingdom is everywhere—wherever kindness, love, and grace can be found. It exists in classrooms, workplaces, and homes. Living out the vision Jesus proclaimed means embracing good news and healing each day.

As you reflect on your role this week, ask yourself:

1.    What unique contribution can I make right now?
2.    Do I recognize the value of my efforts, however small?
3.    How can I celebrate the diverse gifts in others?
4.    In what ways can I bring good news into my spaces?
5.    Am I seeking the Spirit’s guidance to fulfill my purpose?

Each of us has a vital role in building the Kingdom of God. Let’s encourage one another, celebrate our differences, and spread joy and love wherever we go!

-Deacon Deb Clifford


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