The flowers on the altar are given by Daryl & Tami LePage in memory of our beloved parents, Gerald & Frances LePage and Muriel & Motoyuki Sudo.
Tomorrow, Sunday, Feb. 23, Quad Preaching Schedule
SUM - Pastor Gene Ott
Copper Hill UMC - Barry Kline
North Canton Community UMC - Jeff Cedarfield
Methodist Munch for Sale Tomorrow, Sunday, Feb. 23
The Susannas will be selling yummy bags of Methodist Munch after each service tomorrow, Sun. Feb. 23rd. Each bag is $8.00 (no nuts). All proceeds will be donated to Interval House to support their programs that serve families of domestic abuse.
Carillon Tours Tomorrow, Sun. Feb. 23
We will be giving Carillon tours tomorrow, Sun. Feb. 23 after the 10:30 service. Please meet at the back of the sanctuary, and one of the SUM carillon players will bring you up to the tower.
VIM (Volunteers in Mission) Fund-Raising Luncheon
On Sunday, Mar. 2, we will host a fund-raising luncheon for the Volunteers in Mission. Brunch will be served after all 3 services. Plan now to join us. If you’ve been wanting to support our Disaster Response teams but couldn’t go on a trip, you can volunteer to donate food, set up, or clean up for the luncheon. Contact Cassandra Broadus-Garcia for more info.
Lenten Studies are on the Horizon
As always, there will be a variety of choices in the typical day/time slots for Lent. Please click here to go to our website for complete descriptions and dates of each class as well as the link to register.
Mon. - 4:30 – 6 - Signs and Wonders by Amy Jill Levine
Tues. - 10:30 – 12 - The Long Road to Heaven: A Lent Course Based on the Film "The Way" by Rev Tim Heaton
Wed. - 5:30 – 6:30 - The Hardest Part: Hurt We Carry—Hope We Find by Kate Bowler
Thurs. - 10:30 – 12 - Words of Life by Adam Hamilton
Altar Flowers
If you would like to donate flowers for the altar on March 9, 16, or 30, please contact Melissa Fearrington. Thank you.
We Need Your Help!
The Welcoming Project has been busy getting our newest family settled into their new apartment. It will be ready this month, but the family of 5 still needs some items. If anyone has any gently used dressers, lamps, or sofas that they would be willing to donate, please contact Debbie Dunn or Mike & Sue Sames. The family would also appreciate a “newer“ computer that you no longer use or a couple of bikes for the kids. A BMX bike would be especially appreciated by the 14-year-old. Thank you!
Volunteers Needed!
Head Usher, Eric Lemke continues to seek volunteers for the roles of usher, acolyte, safety team, and YouTube recorder. This is a great way to support the faith journey of others! It’s easy! Interested? Contact Eric Lemke.
Office Hours
SUM office hours will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9–3. Deb Reid will be working remotely on Wednesdays and Fridays and will check messages on those days.
Praying for the Entire SUM Family
Each week, we will publish five SUM directory entries to the Messenger so that you can add these people to your prayers. By the end of the year, we will have prayed for the entire SUM family. This week, please pray for the following: the Burrous family (Lori, Wes, Sara, and Justin), the Busick family (Kenneth, Priscilla, Aaron, Hilary, and Cecelia), Holly Bussolini, Bill & Cindy Butos, and the Carley family (Matthew, Nina, Heather, and Christopher).
The Prayer Chain is Ready for Your Requests
The SUM reinvigorated Prayer Chain is ready for your requests. We have a dedicated team of Prayer Warriors who will receive them. To submit a prayer request, email our Prayer Warriors. Please let our Prayer Chain team know if the prayers are no longer needed by sending an update to the same email address.