NEW! Book Study
Sunday Mornings with Eileen Brogan

Sundays 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8 Sessions: 9/24 - 11/12
In Verdin Parlor

No Cure for Being Human

We will read No Cure for Being Human, a book by Kate Bowler, History of Christianity professor. Rev. Amy S. Zimbelman describes it as “a memoir of grief and living well in uncertainty, a celebration of the depths of friendship and familial love, and a profoundly powerful case for finding God in “regular surprises.” There may be no cure for being human, but Professor Kate Bowler teaches us that there are remedies for despair—the love of each other and of God. Despite the looming fear of death, all of her work points towards things that are life-giving. And so, at a tiny chapel off of Route 66 on the way to the Grand Canyon, Bowler stubbornly pens a prayer to join with hundreds of others graffitied on the walls. She writes: dum spiro spero. Which means: While I breathe, I hope.” (Rev. Amy S. Zimbelman, Young Clergy Women International).