Radicle Methodism: Back to Our Roots

Discussion with Deacon Deb (DDD)

4-week Session: May 22, 29, June 5 & 12

No reading necessary*. Just show up, watch a video, and discuss.

Welcome to "Radicle Methodism: Back to our Roots" a four-part history course to examine the beginnings of Methodism, the people and the movements that crossed oceans and centuries. Join us to explore the very beginnings of Methodism that, like the radicle - the first part of the seed that sprouts to become the root system and the future plant - were vital to the denomination as we became rooted and grounded. We'll follow this radicle beginning through its becoming entangled with the dirt and nutrients of its surrounding soil, as the roots spread and the leaves and branches emerge. We will explore some oft the fruit that blossomed and some of the spoils of the plant. As we journey together, it is our hope that better understanding the beginnings of the Methodist movement will help us better understand who United Methodists are today and how we are grounded and connected in our Wesleyan heritage. The course is written and presented by Dr. Ashley Boggan D., top executive at the General Commission on Archives and History, with guest the Rev. Chris Heckert of Haddonfield United Methodist Church in New Jersey. 

*A participant guide and primary sources from John Wesley will be provided for reference. They are optional.

Wednesdays: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the Annex
05/22/24 - 6/12/24