The Long Road to Heaven: A Lent Course Based on the Film "The Way"
by Rev Tim Heaton, an Anglican Priest in England
Tuesdays - Six weeks
In the Annex - 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Facilitated by Eileen Brogan
March 11 - April 15
March 11th - Watch the film in its entirety “The Way” 2 hrs 3 mins
March 18th – April 15th - This book explores Christian understandings of "salvation" in a five-part study course based on the film The Way, starring Martin Sheen as a bereaved father. We will rewatch specifics parts of the movie each week to coordinate with the book. This soulful and uplifting film observes a group of pilgrims walking the Way of St James to Santiago de Compostela. As it follows their journey of inner transformation, the course examines biblical accounts and images of salvation - past, present and future - and addresses the questions: What are we saved from? What are we saved for? Who can be saved? What do we have to do to be saved? How are we saved?