What If Jesus Was Serious?: A Visual Guide to the Teachings of Jesus We Love to Ignore
by Skye Jethani
Mondays - Six weeks
Zoom Only- 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Facilitated by Eileen Brogan
September 30 - November 4
Available for $7.50 at
Christianbook.com and Amazon.com
Let’s face it. A lot of Christian resources can feel cheesy, out-of-touch, and a little boring. But when Skye Jethani started doodling and writing up some of his thoughts about God, his Twitter and email list blew up. What If Jesus Was Serious? is a compilation of all-new reflections (and hand-drawn doodles) from Skye. He takes a look at some of Jesus’ most demanding teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and pushes us to ask whether we’re really hearing what Christ is saying. The visual component of the book makes it memorable and enjoyable to read, and Skye’s incisive reflections make it worthwhile for any Christian.