2024 Stewardship

We are finalizing the regular stewardship updates as we go to the second Sunday of Advent. One of the questions that has been posed is in what ways the church utilizes its funds. These are presented as percentages, and an entire budget is, of course, available through the Church Council. Hopefully, this will help paint a concise picture.

Starting at the top is our facilities expense, at about 18% of the budget. That, of course, spans four buildings: the church, the annex, the barn, and the parsonage. When you begin to look at the size and scope of our facilities, it is a significant amount of square footage to heat, keep lit, and make available. Without those facilities, however, we wouldn’t be able to do all the wonderful things we do to be so impactful in our community and world.

Moving on to programs, this represents 17% of our budget. These are some of the direct activities of the church - from our music programs to youth programs, worship services, and outreach. Again, this is what allows us to carry that impact from the buildings themselves to each other and those in need.

Finally, 65% of the budget is for our people and the business of running the church. Thomas Watson, the long-time CEO of IBM, is often cited for speaking about how you can build buildings but that it is people who make an organization. Our church has been blessed with wonderful staff who do so much work behind the scenes to bring everything together. These expenses also include all the details, insurance, conference expenses such as pensions, and all the supplies that it takes to operate the church. This is yet again a key component of the impact that Simsbury United Methodist brings to the world.

Our ability to create this impact and do these great things comes from our good stewardship of the gifts that God has given us. It truly is God’s work. Our Hands. So please consider, prayerfully, using the online pledge form here or one of the green cards available at the church. Whether you can increase your pledge, are pledging for the first time, are staying at the same level, or even if you cannot pledge this year, we would love to hear from you. We are thankful you are here with us on this journey.

Greg Freidline
Stewardship Chair


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