SUM Poinsettias

Thank you to everyone who ordered poinsettias!

Poinsettias were given by:

Jennifer & Rick Acheson in honor of our parents.

John, Tamara, Collin & Katie Anderson

Lucille Burke in memory of her mother who blessed her in many ways

Carl & Catharine Coppersmith in memory of many loved ones

Lynne DeMatteo in memory of my husband, Carmen, and mother, Aletha Arndt

Steve & Lesley Denhof in memory of our parents and in celebration of life

Jo Anne Douglas in memory of her brother, Hughes Edison Torres

Beth Driscoll & Family in memory of Beth’s father, Richard DeVane

Patricia Dudley in loving memory of Edward Morgan Dudley

Rev. Lara Franklin & Erin in memory of Rev. Travis Franklin

Rodolfo & Lori Garcia and Family in loving memory of Mami /
Abuelita Aleida Yolanda Garcia

Janice & Dick Johnston in celebration of 8:00 fellow worshippers

Robert & Rosa Klotz in memory of loved ones

Sandy & Tom Lipscomb in celebration of our family

The Mackay-Flaska Families in loving memory of Jack Mackay

Karen Matheson in memory of Steve Matheson

Jim & Carolyn Mullane in celebration of our 4 great children

The O’Neal Family in memory of Gene Ornes

Laura Pence in celebration of my parents, Ginny & Harry Pence

Sammy & Susan Samuel in celebration of Anna & Landon Santori and Amanda Samuel & John Klemonsky

Nora Savarino in memory of my husband, John, and my parents, Ben & Doris Terry

The Seabury Family in celebration of the marriage of Jason Seabury and Kat Lee

Paul & Diane Selnau in celebration of family

Mary Beth Tolan in memory of my parents, Mary & Lewis Tolan, and in celebration of Mary Beth’s baptism on Dec. 3, 2023

John & Lynn Wadhams in memory of Jane Wadhams Hazen, John’s sister, and Gunnar M. O’Neill, Hannah’s godfather

Charlotte Weston in memory of my parents, Jim & Maxine, and husband, Scott

Women’s Bible Study Sisters in loving memory of Melinda Lazor 


Growing Faith in Our Children


2024 Stewardship