2024 Stewardship

The 2024 stewardship campaign began this past Sunday, October 29th, and will run through Sunday, November 26th; just as in years past, there will be several avenues to pledge. There will be an electronic pledge form (click here) that will be available on our website and circulated through email. There will also be paper pledge cards available in the sanctuary. Finally, if members want to speak to someone directly about their pledge, they can contact the church office, the clergy team, or our Stewardship Chair, Greg Freidline.

As we embark on our 2024 stewardship campaign, our theme is "God's Work. Our Hands." Throughout these upcoming weeks, we will take a moment to reflect on what "Our Hands" signifies. The tradition of shaking hands is believed to have originated with raising the right hand, indicating that they were unarmed. Over time, this transformed into clasping right hands, which we now recognize as the modern-day handshake.

In today's world, we still pay attention to the position of our hands - open or closed. Just as we wouldn't greet a friend with a closed fist, we should also approach our giving with an open hand. As individuals, we are privileged to have the ability to give to others. Our generosity should reflect this privilege and flow freely, without any hesitation or reluctance. It is important to recognize that giving to others is not only a selfless act but also a way of enriching our own lives.

Through our generosity, we can positively impact the world around us and create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion. We should strive to give wholeheartedly and embrace the joy that comes from making a difference in the lives of others.

As we engage in the stewardship campaign in the coming weeks, it's important to take a moment to reflect on the many achievements of the Simsbury United Methodist Church. From providing a welcoming and supportive community to supporting so many important causes, our church has accomplished so much, thanks to the generosity of its members. By choosing to prayerfully pledge during the upcoming campaign, we can ensure that the church has the resources it needs to continue to grow and thrive and to continue to make a deep and meaningful difference in those around us and the world.

Greg Freidline
SUM Stewardship Chair


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