How Church Works - Church Conference, Trustee Voting, and Next Year Planning

In an earlier article, I shared info on who comprises your SUM Church Council and what they do. When I mentioned that we had the next two meetings scheduled, there was a clue that the one in November might be special since our District Superintendent (DS) would be in attendance. This church conference meeting counts as one of our four church council meetings for the year, and it’s special not only because our DS is in attendance, but also because this is when we approve our preliminary budget and vote on our slate of Trustees for the upcoming year. (There’s also something called a charge conference, but we won’t cover that in this article!)

Because the Trustees Committee is the only legally recognized body of the church in the state of Connecticut, the Trustees' vote needs to be official and is taken by paper ballot. The ballots are counted and shredded to keep everyone’s vote confidential. All of this is guided by and outlined in our 2016 Book of Discipline which I’ll be happy to share with you if you ever have trouble sleeping!

With the DS in attendance, this meeting is also a chance to highlight the past year’s achievements and challenges. Our Staff Parish Relations (SPR) committee generates a long report outlined by the conference, and both the clergy and SPR have the opportunity to share with our DS our desire to continue to work together (or not). The clergy salary recommendations are submitted by SPR, and next year’s budget is presented by the Finance Chair. Retired clergy who are affiliated with our church also include an annual report along with our church’s list of committees and other individuals being nominated for various positions. This lengthy document is compiled by our office administrator (a huge thanks to Deb Reid!) and shared with the conference.

This year, our church conference will be combined with the other churches in our parish and will be held on November 19th starting at 2:00 with some time for brief fellowship in Wesley Hall before moving up to the Sanctuary to begin the formal session at 2:30. This will be a great opportunity to come together as a parish and learn more about each other.

If you want to attend to hear about things first-hand, please email me and I’ll add you to my distribution list. These meetings are also announced a minimum of two weeks prior to the date. Even visitors to the church are welcome to attend and have a voice, but no vote. So, bring your questions!

After the November 19th meeting, we will likely schedule our next meeting in February, so stay tuned.

I look forward to seeing you!

Jennifer Acheson
SUM Church Council Chair


2024 Stewardship


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