Covenant to Care Holiday Gift Drive 2023

It’s time to spread some SUM love and holiday cheer! SUM and LLI will be making the holiday season merrier for approximately 110 children in need identified through the Covenant to Care Hartford program. Our liaison, Catherine at CCC, says the need is greater than ever due to higher costs of goods and services. Catherine shared that the gifts from SUM are often the only presents these children will receive during the holidays. Consequently, the tree may have more than one tag per child. The items listed on the tags are requests from the child and/or suggestions from a parent or caseworker. Please feel free to provide similar/substitute items and additional items such as art supplies and age-appropriate books and games. 

You can select a child to shop for by choosing a tag from the giving tree in Wesley Hall. If you cannot attend services for the next two weeks but would like to support a child in need, you may request a tag by emailing Melissa Fearrington or texting Melissa at 860-204-1832. If you want us to shop for you, monetary donations are always welcome and may be mailed to the church office. Please make checks payable to SUM and note CCC in the memo. All money collected for CCC goes towards purchases for children.

Please return your gift and the tag no later than noon, Sunday, December 10th (sooner is better!), in a holiday gift bag with folded tissue paper. We ask that you include the tag, as this is how we connect the requests to the correct social worker. Gifts may be returned on Sundays to Wesley Hall or dropped off any day at Melissa Fearrington’s house: 19 Fox Den Road, West Simsbury.

Thank you in advance for your generous holiday spirit and for making a difference for a child this Christmas!

Peace, love, and joy!

CCC committee


Okay, God, I am Listening!

