Family History

Who Are You?

There is a footpath to your Family History, but it can be a difficult journey if you do not know how to read the signposts.

Have you ever wondered where your great-grandmother was born or what your great-grandfather did for a living? How about your 2x or 3x great-grandparents? Like our church, you also have a legacy, tradition, and culture in your family that is unique to you. Last spring, I offered a very popular 2-hour Family History Research Class. For those who could not attend or want to repeat it, there will be a second one on Saturday, November 4th, from 10 a.m. to noon in the Barn.

This class on family history research is designed to teach you the basic skills to find the answers to the questions noted above and many more. I will show you how to read those signposts and start your journey.

While living in Ireland, I began a family history research business and taught a similar class to the Active Retired group in my village. It was such a hit they asked me to repeat it. (Or perhaps that was because I overwhelmed them with research tools). I have Americanized it for you, but I can provide the Irish version for those who need it.

         The class will include the following:

·       PowerPoint presentation to get you started down that footpath.

·       Individual workbooks to follow those signposts and take home for reference.

·       Directions on how to begin and document and dangerous rabbit holes to avoid.

·       A very long list of websites to use in your research.

·       Software recommendations to store your research.

·       And so much more

If you are interested in participating in this free class, please sign up here no later than November 1st, so I have time to prepare the workbooks. A follow-up class or personal assistance will be available if anyone is interested. I also do family history research for those not interested in doing their own.

Eileen M Brogan


A Letter from Pastor Gene


Growing Faith in Our Children