Vacation Bible School!

It is only Fall, but your Directors of Children’s Ministries are ALREADY busy planning for our next Vacation Bible School. Save the date for June 17-21, 2024, at First Church of Christ (FCC) Simsbury. We enjoy partnering with the staff at FCC and have some big changes for this year. 

The most significant change is that we will offer a full-day VBS from 9 AM-4 PM. More details will follow about what each day will look like. 

The other major change is that we will be “hiring” teachers to shepherd our groups of students. In the past, we have had volunteers shepherd the children from station to station.  Because our days will be much longer, we are offering $500 for the week for our “teachers/shepherds.” These people will not be doing lessons with the children. They will simply move the children from station to station (i.e., arts and crafts station, snack time, storytime station, etc.). We ask these people to be at FCC from 8:45 to 4:15 daily. Please let us know if you are interested in this job, or please pass this information along to someone you might know who would be interested (i.e., a teacher or college student). 

We are very excited about our theme this year, Camp Firelight! We will remain busy finding volunteers and staff to fill each important position to make VBS a positive experience for our children. We will also remain busy planning lessons, mission work, and activities for our children. Stay tuned for more information as we continue to plan. Please email us if you are interested or know someone who might be interested in being a teacher/shepherd. 

Elizabeth Webber and Julie Cutler


Growing Faith in Our Children


Church Council Meeting Notes, Sept. 24, 2023 - In Case You Missed It