Blessing of the Animals

On the first weekend in October (Sunday, October 6th this year), people all over the world will continue the tradition of bringing their pets to their local churches to celebrate the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis first blessed animals early in his ministry, sometime between 1210 and 1215. We will recognize the celebration on Saturday, October 5th, from 1– 3 p.m.

The story goes that he was wandering around outdoors, full of self-doubt, when he noticed a flock of birds in his path. He immediately felt the need to first talk to them as though they were his equals and then preach to them about God’s glories and the reasons why men and animals should be grateful for these blessings. St Francis recognized that human beings are intrinsically connected to all of creation.

Join us on Saturday, October 5th, from 1 to 3 p.m. on the SUM front lawn with your animal(s). Pastor Gene and Deacon Deb will bless your pets, and you can spoil them by purchasing homemade cookies, scarves, and other goodies. Human cookies will also be for sale. All proceeds go to Double Dog Rescue in Simsbury.

Eileen Brogan


Why Are They Doing That? Who is “They?”


Thank You, Gene Esch!