Thank You, Gene Esch!

For such a time as this…

Those words have stuck in my head since I started in ministry. They were a constant refrain from our then Bishop, Jeremiah J. Park, to the assembled clergy and laity at nearly every event I went to. Taken from Esther 4:14, they were a reminder to us that we were right where we were supposed to be, and that God had put us in that time and place for a reason.

Those memories have been kicking around in my head as I think about my friend Gene Esch and his family. Gene and LeighAnn moved here at the height of COVID with their daughter Helana. Their son Archer would follow soon after, and they settled comfortably into their back row seat. It didn’t take me long to figure out that Gene and LeighAnn were both potent assets to our community here at SUM, and with Gene’s automotive background (and just general knowledge of plenty of other things), he would be a great “add” to our Trustees.

When Art Schwartz stepped down, Gene stepped up, and not a moment too soon either. As you all know, the Simsbury Sewer Saga stretched over many months, tried plenty of folks’ patience, and ultimately was resolved under budget. During that time, Gene was in near-daily conversation with me, the Trustees, and often you all in the pews too. His calm demeanor under (extreme) pressure was a salve during what could have been an even harder time, and just as we were looking towards a few months (and perhaps years) of regular maintenance around the campus, his employer came calling with a new opportunity for him in Chicago. While that job is a recognition of his gifts and will bring the Eschs closer to their family in the Midwest, we will miss them for their humor, generosity, and being created for just such a time as this in Simsbury. Thanks, and safe travels, my friends.



Blessing of the Animals


Simsbury United Methodist Church (SUM) Recipe Book 2024