Welcome, Glenn Knight!

Welcome, Glenn Knight, Interim Chair, Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPR)

In the picturesque town of Simsbury, Connecticut, one family has made a significant impact on their community through their commitment to service and faith. Meet a devoted member of Simsbury United Methodist Church (SUM) who has woven his life story into the fabric of this welcoming congregation.

Originally from Hackettstown, New Jersey, Glenn moved to Simsbury in 2006, seeking a peaceful environment to raise his children. "We absolutely love living here," he shares, reflecting on the beauty and tranquility of this town.

He and his wife, Lei, have been married for 25 years and are proud parents to two remarkable children: Benjamin, a senior at the University of Maryland, and Mei, who is set to begin her freshman year at Cornell University. Their family dynamic is one of support and encouragement, with a strong emphasis on education and personal growth.

The couple's love story began at a part-time job while they were students at the University of Connecticut (UCONN). "There is no way we would have ever met if we hadn’t both taken that part-time job," he recalls fondly. Their connection blossomed, leading to marriage during his senior year.

Professionally, he serves as the Associate Director of Admissions and Student Services for Graduate Liberal Studies and Continuing Studies at Wesleyan University. Glenn’s passion for education extends beyond his job; he also teaches a graduate course each year as a visiting professor. In his free time, he enjoys traveling with his family, kayaking, biking, and attending concerts. He has even earned his open-water SCUBA certification.

Glenn’s journey with SUM began when his family visited the church from 2006 to 2011, eventually becoming members. "Finding a strong faith community to raise our children in was important to us," he explains. The beauty of SUM and the warmth of its congregation drew them in, making it a wonderful part of their family life.

At SUM, he has taken on various roles, including Head Usher, member of the Safety Committee, and active participant in Sunday services as a Reader and Communion Steward. His decision to volunteer was inspired by Jim Ray, a fellow church member known for his kindness and dedication. "SUM is filled with people who inspire others to get involved," he notes.

His professional skills as a project manager and his experience in higher education have seamlessly translated into his volunteer work. He emphasizes the importance of putting people first, whether in his job or church, ensuring everyone feels safe and supported.

For him, volunteering is not just a duty; it’s a source of joy and fulfillment. "If there is one word that defines how I feel on any given day, it is gratitude," he shares. His life has taken him on an incredible journey, from humble beginnings to earning a doctorate and raising a loving family. He finds purpose in helping others navigate their challenges and celebrate their successes.

As he balances family, work, and volunteering, he expresses a heartfelt desire for SUM: "My dream for SUM is increased membership. We have something wonderful happening here, and I want as many people as possible to have a chance to share in it with us."

With a commitment to service and a passion for community, we welcome Glenn to his new role as Interim chair of SPR.  He exemplifies the spirit of SUM, making a lasting impact on those around him. His story is a testament to the power of faith, family, and the importance of giving back.

-        Deacon Deb Clifford


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Simsbury - North Canton - Copperhill - Washington Hill