Confirmation is NOT Just for Kids!

Did you miss confirmation when you were young?Perhaps you joined the Methodist church from another denomination? Do you wish you could refresh yourself on the basics of our faith from an adult perspective? Wait no more. Introducing… the Quad Adult Confirmation program created just for you!

After learning a lot about running a meaningful youth confirmation class that meets the needs of busy families, Pastor Gene and Deacon Deb adapted the program for adults. Since youth confirmation runs every other year, we offered the adult version using the same format in 2022. It was a big hit.

Here is what a few participants said:

As a late-blooming Methodist (since 2012), I always felt at a spiritual disadvantage. Attending the Adult Confirmation class in 2022 boosted my confidence and knowledge about Methodism, and I made many new friends in the process. I highly recommend this class! 

Adult confirmation was a true highlight of my years at SUM. I got to understand the basics of Methodism, develop strong friendships, and confirm that I made the right decision in joining our church. I recommend it to everyone, no matter where they are on their religious journey. A+!

This opportunity helped me feel an even greater sense of belonging. Everyone should participate.

The Adult Confirmation classes were structured to increase interactions among all the participants. It was fun and interesting to hear everyone's thoughts on topics that don't come up in routine conversation. Learning more about the Methodist church's teachings has led me to feel more comfortable during worship services because the ideas/concepts don't seem so foreign to me. 

Adult confirmation class was enlightening and fun! I learned a lot about the Bible and what it means to be a Methodist. I also learned a lot about our clergy and other members of SUM. Some of the other participants were long-time members and some were new to SUM, but I got to know all of them so much better than I would have from just saying "hi" in Wesley Hall after services. We had serious discussions, but we also laughed A LOT. The time commitment wasn't huge, and the benefits were priceless!

Here is how it works. Participants come to five (5) sessions. Each session is 2 hours in length. Learning occurs at your own pace before each session. For example, for the Bible section, participants explore several selected videos prepared by the experts at the Bible Project ( The videos are brief and engaging. Learners can watch the videos independently at their own pace or with other learners. Then, in the two-hour session, everyone discusses what they learned while Pastor Gene and Deacon Deb facilitate a deeper understanding of the content.

The adult ‘confirmands’ enjoyed the freedom of learning on a schedule that best suited them. The five sessions were easier to commit to than every Sunday for several months. Topics covered are the Bible, Methodist history and tradition, Methodist social principles, World Religions, and more. Join us! We especially encourage potential new members or folks who’ve joined SUM in the last few years. All are welcome: teens and adults, old and new members, confirmed and unconfirmed.

Check out the session dates to see if they work for you: October 20, January 12, February 16, March 9, and June 8. There is also a one-hour orientation on September 22. Click here to see the confirmation flyer.

Enroll today by signing up here. Then, come to the orientation session on September 22 to meet other participants, ask questions, and receive your first assignment.   

PG & DD 


Rally for Rally Day


Welcome, Glenn Knight!