Rally for Rally Day

There are many definitions for the word “rally” which include: to come together for a common purpose; to join to renew an effort; to arouse for action; to meet and ignite group enthusiasm. Yes! All sound fitting as we prepare for our Rally Day 2024! 

September 8th will be filled with tremendous opportunities. We will return to worship in the sanctuary at 8, 9, and 10:30 AM. We will share a BBQ meal after the last service, prepared by none other than Tim Boswell and Sous Chef Pastor Gene. We will reconnect with those we’ve missed during the summer months. We will welcome each child of God from youngest to oldest. We will meet other siblings of Christ with whom we have not yet been blessed. We will come back to church unified. We will share the many ways we demonstrate our love for Christ through our current ministries.  We will talk around tables about subjects for which we are passionate. We will hear of spaces and places at Copper Hill, North Canton, SUM, and Washington Hill that are waiting for the contributions of our time and presence. We will brainstorm ways that, as siblings in Christ, we can combine our efforts to manifest the love of Jesus across, within, and beyond the Quad of these four churches. On September 8th, we will RALLY! We will gather, connect, share, and grow. We will join, renew, and ignite in His name. He has a place set for each of us. See you at the table!

- Sue Lemke & Pastor Gene

Please consider bringing a dessert to share. “No-pressure love offerings” are welcome to help defray BBQ costs.


SUM Food & Fellowship


Confirmation is NOT Just for Kids!