Welcome New Member: Sandy Burger

I recently had the pleasure of getting to know Sandy Burger, who became a Simsbury United Methodist Church (SUM) member a few weeks ago. We met on a rainy Friday afternoon, settled in at my kitchen table, and began chatting about our families, careers, and interests.

I learned that she’s had an interesting and varied career. Sandy grew up in Arcadia, California (just east of Pasadena). She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. Although her career led her to the business world, she retains her interests in art, music, and the opera. Sandy’s lived all over the country, and along the way, she learned how to make bagels by running a bagel shop. Much of her career has been in procurement and supply. She worked for Boeing’s commercial division in Everett, Washington, and for a company in New Jersey that makes bubble wrap. Sandy enjoys her current position as a Boeing (defense) field representative traveling the New England region.

Sandy lives in Torrington, CT, having moved there from Philadelphia about four years ago. She has a daughter, Kathryn Burger, who resides in Brooklyn, NY.

I asked how she found SUM. Sandy has been a Methodist for 36 years and searched for a new church via the church’s website. She really liked our website and what she learned about the church from viewing it. She started attending SUM church services in the fall of 2023 and especially enjoys Gene’s sermons, the vibrancy of our church, and the welcoming congregation.

She is eagerly anticipating a trip to South Africa this November. Please join me in welcoming Sandy to the SUM family!

Leslie Lahue
Welcoming Team Chairperson 


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