Vacation Bible School 2024

We had a great week of Vacation Bible School, running June 17th through June 21st. First Church hosted this year, and SUM partnered with them to bring the children “Camp Firelight; A Summer Camp Adventure with God.”  Our theme was based on Psalm 56:3 ‘Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.’

We started each day in the Sanctuary with an assembly, including music and Bible stories. The campers then rotated to stations, including arts and crafts, active games, Bible storytelling, drama, and snacks/lunch. We could not have run these stations and assemblies without the help of Deacon Deb (A/V controller and Storyteller), Reverend Kevin from First Church (Assembly coordinator and counselor), Elizabeth Webber (snack coordinator and counselor), Julie Cutler (Counselor), Francesca Caponetti (planner/organizer), Holly (our dance leader), Christina Gundlach (Counselor), BethAnn Mallory (Counselor), Skylar Bobinski (Counselor), Drew Oris (games coordinator), Cheryl Langin (arts and crafts coordinator), and Nicole Jackson (Drama coordinator).

Camp ran from 9 AM-4 PM this year, which was something that we had never done before! In the afternoons we headed out for different field trips:

●      Flamig Farm

●      LEVO International where the campers were able to do some mission work. LEVO is a hydroponic farm where they grow food to donate to “Food Desserts.” Our campers were able to help start some seedlings and transfer plants to larger growing spaces.

●      Simsbury Farms Pool; which was great because it was 95 degrees!!!!

●      Auer farm to make ice cream from scratch.

●      Friday we ended with a carnival at First Church in the parking lot, where campers were able to play kickball, jump in a couple of bounce houses, and watch a movie to get out of the heat. Campers were also able to pack 50 “summer fun” bags to hand out to families through the Simsbury Food Bank. 

As you can see, we had a very busy week! It took a lot of coordination and planning but that paid off with everything running very smoothly. We had great feedback from parents, and I know my children really enjoyed the week! I think my favorite part of the week was all the singing and dancing! I will leave you with my favorite camp chant! C-A-M-P Fire L-I-G-H-T!!!!

- Julie Cutler


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