Hospitality Brings Us Together
What makes Sundays special at SUM? Many things quickly come to mind:
the beauty of the sanctuary
- the toe-tapping sounds of the CAYA band and the chancel choir and the organ- the inspired leadership of our pastors
- the joy of baptisms and the welcoming of new members into the congregation
the chance to catch up with friends and neighbors
the opportunity to connect with visitors and people we’ve not yet met and welcome them into the community
The last two activities may start in the pews, but they also happen after the services during the coffee hours. Coffee hour can be a time of welcoming, and the joy of community is nourished by drinks (hot or cold) and snacks.
But the coffee hours don’t happen by chance, of course. Let’s face it, there’s work involved. That work is done by the Hospitality Team. Sue and Mike Sames have led the team for 1 ½ years, but they’re stepping away to concentrate on the Refugee Project. Melissa Fearrington and Leslie Lahue are the new co-chairs of the team. They’re looking for volunteers to help with set-up, serving, and clean-up once a month if possible. (Tasks are detailed at the end of this article.)
This is an opportunity for individuals, couples, or families. Hospitality isn’t simply a chore. It’s a real service in support of the church’s mission. Volunteers may find that they benefit in unexpected ways, like…
getting to know a lot more people from all three services
receiving from church members many thanks for your hospitality work
finding satisfaction that your volunteered time with Hospitality enhances the sense of community as it brings church members together and makes our church more welcoming
All of this helps make SUM special. Hospitality isn’t simply a warming cup of coffee or a sweet cookie. It’s an invitation to share special moments with a community of good, kind and caring people.
Please contact Melissa or Leslie to join the Hospitality Team.
-Melissa Fearrington & Leslie Lahue (
Coffee Hour Tasks
We are recruiting three additional couples (spouses, friends, or individuals that pair up for duties) to help the core group who are already part of the team. Hospitality members sign up for one or more shifts:
Coffee Hour set-up with refreshments ready for 8:00 am service (usually done on Saturday)
Sunday morning Preparations (make sure coffee is made; put out beverages and snacks for the 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. services)
Sunday morning clean-up (begins around 11:50 am)
Typically, team members are on duty once/month. We ask for teams of two people to make moving heavier items (tables, roller carts, lifting dish racks into/out of dishwasher) easier. With two people, the work gets completed quickly.