Musings on Confession

I've been thinking a lot about confession lately. Every Sunday, as a community, we recite a confession, an acknowledgment that we fall short. It's projected on the slides, and we read it in unison. Then, predictably, we follow it with words of assurance, a declaration of forgiveness and grace.

But here's the thing: We don't often talk about it. We go through the motions, but do we get it? Why do we do it? How does this weekly ritual help us become better Christians? How does it help us become better humans? It's worth digging a little deeper.

The confession can quickly become another part of the service, a familiar routine that we perform without engaging our hearts and minds. It's easy to let the words flow over you, to focus on getting the pronunciation right, or to mentally check off the task and move on to the next thing.

But confession is meant to be so much more than that. It's intended to be a moment of honest self-reflection, a time to acknowledge our shortcomings and failings individually and as a community. It's a chance to recognize the ways we've fallen short of God's expectations and the ways we've hurt others.

So, why do we do it? Why do we take time each week to confess that we deviate from the ideal? There are several important reasons: 

  • It's an acknowledgment of reality: Confession is a way of admitting that we are not perfect, make mistakes, and need God's grace. It's a humble recognition of our human condition.

  • It's an act of honesty: It can be tempting to hide our mistakes, to pretend that we have it all together. But confession requires us to be honest with ourselves, God, and our community.

  • It's an opportunity for repentance: Confession is not just about admitting that we err; it's also about turning away from those patterns. It's about making a conscious decision to change our behavior and live in a way that is pleasing to God.

  • It's a path to healing: Straying from the path can create distance between us, God, and others. Confession is a way of bridging that gap, restoring broken relationships, and finding healing and wholeness.

How does confession help us become better Christians? 

  • It cultivates humility: Regularly acknowledging that we fall short helps us stay humble and avoid the trap of pride. It reminds us that we always need God's grace and should not think of ourselves as superior to others.

  • It fosters empathy: As we become more aware of our failings, we become more compassionate towards others. We realize that everyone struggles, and we are less likely to judge or condemn them.

  • It strengthens our relationship with God: Confession opens the door to a deeper relationship with God. It allows us to experience God’s forgiveness and love more profoundly.

  • It motivates us to grow: When we confess that we miss the mark, we acknowledge that we want to change. This desire for change can inspire us to seek God's help overcoming our weaknesses and growing our faith.

But confession isn't just about becoming better Christians; it's also about becoming better humans. 

  • It promotes self-awareness: Confession requires us to examine our lives and identify areas for improvement. This process of self-reflection can lead to greater self-awareness and a better understanding of our motivations and behaviors.

  • It encourages accountability: When we confess that we miss the mark, we hold ourselves accountable for our actions. This sense of responsibility can help us make better future choices.

  • It builds stronger communities: Confession can create a sense of vulnerability and authenticity within a community. Honesty about our struggles creates space for others to do the same, fostering a more profound understanding of connection and support.

  • It inspires forgiveness: Confession is not just about receiving forgiveness; it's also about extending it to others. As we experience God's forgiveness in our own lives, we are more likely to forgive those who have wronged us.

So, how can we make confession more meaningful? How can we move beyond reciting the words and truly engage with the practice?

The first step is to start talking about it. Let's create space in our churches and communities to discuss our struggles, share our experiences with confession, and explore the ways it can help us grow.

Let's encourage one another to be honest with ourselves and with God. Let's remind each other that confession is not a sign of weakness but of strength. It's a sign that we are willing to face our shortcomings and seek God's help in becoming the people God has called us to be.

The words we see and speak each Sunday might then become more than just a ritual. They might become a catalyst for real change, both in our own lives and in the world around us.

-Deacon Deb


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