Why Christians Should Learn About Other Religions

Last Sunday, the Adult Confirmation participants reflected on what they learned from their recent studies of Adam Hamilton’s videos on Christianity and World Religions. Their insights revealed how exploring other faith traditions can deepen our understanding of our own beliefs while encouraging respect and compassion for those who practice different faiths. As these participants discovered, learning about other religions is not just an academic exercise — it can be a meaningful step toward strengthening our faith and becoming more inclusive neighbors.

In studying other religions, we may uncover surprising commonalities — shared values of compassion, justice, and care for the vulnerable. These common threads do not diminish our Christian identity; rather, they can enrich it. For example, recognizing a mutual emphasis on kindness or the pursuit of peace reminds us that God’s love is expansive and far-reaching. Discovering these connections can inspire us to live out our faith more fully, building bridges instead of walls.

Learning about other religions also equips us to be better neighbors in a diverse world. When we take time to understand different traditions, we foster respect and reduce fear or misunderstanding. This practice of curiosity and openness reflects Jesus’ own example — He consistently crossed cultural and religious boundaries to connect with those who were considered outsiders. By following His lead, we affirm that all people are beloved children of God, deserving of dignity and respect.

Ultimately, exploring other faiths is not about compromising our own beliefs; it’s about expanding our hearts. As we grow in knowledge and understanding, we become better equipped to live out Christ’s call to love — not only in word, but through relationships built on empathy, humility, and peace.

-Deacon Deb Clifford




The Art of Truly Seeing One Another